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FedEx Guest Shipping


FedEx Guest Shipping

Guest shipping revolutionizes the FedEx experience by offering individuals and businesses a hassle-free way to send packages without the need for account creation. By eliminating traditional barriers like login walls and account forms, it provides swift and intuitive access to FedEx services, inviting prospects to explore without commitment.


Problem statement

The current guest shipping experience is plagued by usability issues stemming from its reliance on outdated technology and its disconnection from the modern application ecosystem. Users encounter significant hurdles in locating the feature, understanding its purpose, and navigating its confusing terminology. Terms such as 'ship with account', 'ship without account', 'ship logged in without an account', 'ship logged in with account', and 'ship with an activated account' add to the complexity, leading to user frustration and drop-offs. Moreover, this feature serves as a makeshift solution for issues within other applications, exacerbating the problem.



  1. Ensure easy accessibility for all users.

  2. Break down login walls to streamline the shipment creation process.

  3. Prevent lengthy processes to enhance user satisfaction.

  4. Enable a seamless transition from guest to member accounts.

  5. Facilitate a smooth transition to the MAGIC platform for logged-in shipping.



Easily Accessible for All Users

  • Simplified entry points for guest shipment creation, including top navigation entry, home page "SHIP" button, and a guest shipping option on the login wall.

  • Simplified account designations to "logged-in" (with an account) and "guest" (without an account) for clarity.

Breaking Down Login Walls

  • Removed login walls for creating shipments, allowing users to start the guest shipping flow directly from the "SHIP" button on the home page, “Guest shipping” option in the top navigation, and a “Continue as guest” button in the log-in screen.

Preventing Lengthy Processes

  • Consolidated steps and streamlined patterns to reduce cognitive load and perceived complexity, making the shipping process quicker and simpler.

Easy Guest-to-Member Transition

  • Utilized guest shipment input to automatically offer the option to create an account, enhancing user convenience and encouraging account creation.

  • Clearly communicated service limitations for guest shippers, incentivizing account creation by highlighting additional features and benefits.

Smooth Transition to MAGIC for Logged-in Shipping

  • Designed a distinct guest shipping experience while maintaining consistency and familiarity with the MAGIC platform, ensuring a seamless transition for logged-in users.



Improved Conversion Rates

  • The streamlined guest shipping experience and simplified account designations led to a significant reduction in drop-off rates and an increase in guest-to-member conversions.

Enhanced User Satisfaction

  • By removing login walls and preventing lengthy processes, user satisfaction improved, resulting in higher retention rates and increased trust in the FedEx brand.

Successful Platform Transition

  • The smooth transition to MAGIC for logged-in shipping ensured continuity for existing users while providing a user-friendly experience for new members.



Through strategic interventions focusing on accessibility, login simplification, process optimization, guest-to-member transition, and platform transition, FedEx successfully drove growth in its Online Ship Manager (MAGIC) platform. These enhancements not only addressed key user pain points but also positioned FedEx as a leader in providing convenient and trustworthy shipping solutions in the digital space.